But for every positive, there is a negative implication that may inherently follow...
- PLUS - Instead of putting together an entire outfit for an important job interview, online interviews via Skype mean you can leave your trackies and uggs on.
- NEGATIVE - Murphy's law would say that 9 time out of 10, your usually flawless internet connection would flake out the very minute you're expecting the chime of your Skype phone.
- PLUS - Connecting with people all over the globe has become so easy, it can seem like your best friend or biggest client is not on the other side of the world.
- NEGATIVE - More people are working from home, and trending against manual labour. The real pitfall here is not that skilled workers are at an all time low, it's that there are less fluoro- clad tradies for us to perve on...
Yeah thats what I thought... Get out from behind the computers boys, thats all I'm saying :)
Gemzik, Katie. 2011. Working in the media, the glamorous life..? katiegemkic. May 1st, 2011. Accessed May 2nd, 2011 from: http://katiegemzik.wordpress.com/2011/05/01/working-in-new-media-the-glamorous-life…/
Leong, Susan. 2011. "KCB206 New Media, Internet Self & Beyond: Week 7 lecture notes; Working in/ with new media." Accessed May 2nd, 2011.